Map of International River Basins in Africa. Chikozho 2014 |
It could therefore perhaps be said that despite the many efforts to encourage the trans-boundary sharing of water resources in Africa, it must be recognised that such efforts are often carried out between national governments which, at end of the day, is responsible for ensuring the interests of their citizens. As a result, one can laud the positive impacts of TRBOs but the fact is such cooperation can only take place when the interests of the various parties can be taken into account. This blog sets out to do just that: in the coming weeks, I will examine the ways in which TRBOs in Africa operate and the ways in which conflicts of interest could be resolved. It might not be the most exciting or unique blog, but at least through this blog one can hope to understand the intricacies behind trans-boundary water resources management and have a glimpse of what the future has to hold.